Who We Are

Our vision is to see every low-income and autistic child have the same chances at successfully completing education and moving on into secondary education as everyone else. This vision is being realized by thousands around the globe as they employ the some of the same programs, advocacy, and support we provide.

Our values and mission shape the way we treat those we serve, those we serve with, and one another. We’re all about people.

Our Goals

The goal of The EdY Project is five-fold. It can all be summed up by saying that we want to see all of school aged students thrive again. To do that, many of them need funding, support, programs, intervention, and advocacy.

Our goals are to:

Provide resources to children and families.
Start programs in schools for low-income children and those on the spectrum.
Work with partnering organizations to establish in home and community based ABA services for underserved populations.
Sponsor children through the educational system so they have a better chance of getting into college.
Start advocacy systems for families with children with autism.


We lead the charge on the front lines, so the important issues get addressed and changed for the better.


We collaborate and partner with others, form lasting relationships, and build strong teams so the children we help can thrive.


We know that things will not always go our way. We understand that the road is rough, and the way is not straight. But, as a team, we’ll stand strong against any challenges that come our way and continuously strive to better ourselves, our community, and our services.

Private Funding

Community funding, and volunteers could improve the lives of these children. We could watch as the high school graduation rates begin to rise and the achievement gap starts to close. Without funding, none of this is possible.


We use failures as steppingstones. We see challenges as a reason to rejoice. It gives us a chance to employ our imagination, experience, and wisdom as original thinkers and innovators to make this world a better place one child at a time.


Everyone deserves the opportunity to gain the right support so they can reach their potential and achieve their goals. At The EdY Project, we believe everyone has the potential within them to achieve the goals they set forth.

Who We Serve

We serve families of children with ASD by providing financial support, parental training and support, and through mentoring and advocacy.
We serve children with autism spectrum disorder. We offer those children with ASD tutoring, in-home therapy, advocacy, and more.
We serve low-income families who have school-age children. To be considered “low-income,” your gross household income must fall at or below 50% of the area median income. We offer low-income families financial and parental support.
We also serve schools in low-income areas by starting programs in the schools that aid their students in reaching their educational goals.
We serve school-aged children, grades 1-12, from low-income families through tutoring and mentoring programs.

Volunteer Opportunities – Support The EdY Project through Volunteering!

We need tutors for grades 1-12 and parent mentors. We’re also in need of volunteer advocates for families who have children on the autism spectrum. There is also a significant need for volunteers in these areas who are adept in speaking Spanish.

Volunteer Form

Fill out the form below for more information on volunteering with the EdY Project.

    Giving of yourself to help others is a gift like no others – to those you are helping and to yourself. Donate your time to tutor, mentor, be an advocate, or to be a parent support for families with children on the spectrum today! You can make a difference in the life of a child.